Tuesday 5 May 2015

Slab Construction

This is my slab construction. I found this slab construction to be a bit challenging. First slab starts with a large amount of clay, and then laying it on the slab roller to roll it back and fro to get the same thickness in size that will be strong enough to hold itself up and not fold over. The trick to this to this technique is to let the slab piece dry out two to four days in a kitchen trash bag, after it stiffens up, it is easier to work with than it was wet clay. On the other hand I made templates, for me to use likewise cut and trace to a pattern that desires me. Lastly, after putting the slab together, I started to begin working with my slab and also tracing a sunflower on it, thanks to my brother who helped me out to draw it out on my slab that came out to be a vase, exactly how I wanted.

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